#79 Helping to see the person behind the patient with OT Justine Robinson
In this episode it is my pleasure to talk with Justine Robinson, Occupational Therapist and Wellbeing Services manager at the Pilgrims Hospice. I learn about the role of an Occupational Therapist and we talk about how therapy work can help find the person in a patient. I learn too about the innovative Blackbird project, the story behind the project and how it is helping to make precious memories.
Key messages from guest
Justin is an Occupational Therapist with 25 years experience
Justine describes how an illness can prevent a person from engaging in the things that are important to them
Occupational Therapy enables someone to “become a person again”
Justine describes the importance upstreaming discussions to plan ahead and avoid crises
The importance of role models for communication is highlighted
Legacy work, the ability to reflect on a life an a life’s stories is a key part of Justine’s role
Creative writing is a valuable area of Justine’s work and a way of supporting memoirs and stories
Blackbird is a voice recording project giving people a space to think about and record memories
Justine talks about working with people who have traditionally had barriers to accessing palliative care
Justine closes by reminding us all of the importance to engage early with planning ahead
Read about The Blackbird Project
Let the music play on: Neil creates lasting legacy with the Blackbird Project
Listen to the podcast: “Talking about dying doesn’t make it happen” – A conversation with The Waiting Room Revolution
Justine has been an Occupational therapist for 25 years. She has worked at Pilgrims hospices for the last 12, starting as an OT, she currently works as therapy and wellbeing services manager, looking after OT, physio, complementary therapy and pilgrim’s therapy centres. Justine’s interests related to ACP include using creative approaches to engage people who experience barriers and inequalities to accessing good palliative care and holistic ACP. She leads on the Blackbird project which is a voice recording project to enable people with life limiting illness time to reflect on their life and record what matters to them.
Find out more about my Bespoke Consultancy
If you’d like to find out more about my work contact me.
What one thing will you do?
It would be great to share what resonated with you from this episode, what is the one thing you will do differently? Head to Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn to continue these important conversations.
Thanks to all my guests for working with me to share their knowledge, experience and stories about Advance Care Planning. I hope you enjoyed listening and have insights to take away; I love hearing your reflections on the series and look forward to reviews on Spotify where you can also subscribe to the series.
Important Conversations about Important Conversations.