Advance Care Planning Service
Support in helping you or your family make an Advance Care Plan
Have you heard of an Advance Care Plan but don’t know where to start?
Advance Care Planning, a part of normal life planning
Advance Care Planning is a normal part of life and can include things like Organ Donation, making a will or having a Lasting Power of Attorney in place. The process of Advance Care Planning changes through life but underpinning all Advance Care Planning is What Matters to You.
Advance Care Planning towards the later stages of life
If you have a long-term health condition, an Advance Care Plan can also include decisions that are important towards the end of life, such as where you would like to be looked after and what is most important to you. If you wish to be in your own home to die, for example, it’s a good idea to plan for this – just like we plan for birth the process of dying has stages we recognise and can plan for.
Advance Care Planning in England
In England the Universal Principles for Advance Care Planning set out a universal personalised approach to Advance Care Planning and aim to support a consistent approach to “what good looks like” in Advance Care Planning in England. The work is in response to recommendations in the CQC report Protect, respect, connect - decisions about living and dying well during COVID-19, one of which called for a more consistent approach to Advance Care Planning.
There’s no standard Advance Care Plan in England, and forms between areas can differ; I help families and individuals by providing a personalised service from having Important Conversations to completing an Advance Care Plan. You can read more about Advance Care Planning here.
You will find a wealth of free information about Advance Care Planning in the podcasts, blogs and videos resource.