#56 The Court of Protection: Experience of a daughter
In this episode it is my pleasure to talk with Mary about how it felt as a daughter to experience the Court of Protection, and what she learned about being an attorney for her Mum. I talk with Mary about what it felt like to experience the Court of Protection, the challenges, the positives and what impact the Open Justice Court of Protection Project had.
This is the second in a series of three podcasts; previously I spoke with Anna, Mary’s sister about the interplay between Lasting Power of Attorney and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. I learned about the circumstances leading to being in the Court of Protection and the interplay between Lasting Power of Attorney and Deprivation of Liberty safeguards.
In the third episode I’ll be talking with Victoria Butler Cole KC who explains the terminology and legal framework that underpin the mental capacity act, lasting Power of Attorney and deprivation of liberty safeguards.
Key messages from guest
Mary explains how unsafe her Mum was living alone; this led to her admission to a Care Home.
Mary explains how upsetting it was to be told her Mum’s case was going to the Court of Protection
The support of the Open Justice Court of Protection Project proved a real help for Mary and her family.
By the end of the Court of Protection process, and with the support of the Court of Protection, it became more collaborative rather than a “them and us” situation”.
Not knowing the process was the biggest challenge for Mary.
Drilling down to Mary’s Mum’s specific needs such as spirituality was a great benefit to emerge from the Court of Protection.
Read Mary’s sister’s blog for the Open Justice Court of Protection Project: ‘Deprived of her liberty’: My experience of the court procedure for my mum
Read Celia Kitzinger’s blog post exploring Anna’s Mum’s hearing: A ‘bog standard’ s.21A case: Anna’s mum
Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) at a glance
See Mental Capacity Act legislation: Mental Capacity Act 2005
Find out about Deprivation of liberty safeguards: resources
Age UK: Factsheet 62 Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards March 2023
Find out more about being a Litigant in Person
Find out more about the work of the Open Justice Court of Protection
Find out more about the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards for Families Edge training that Anna, Mary’s sister, attended
“Mary” is a family member and her Mother has Alzheimers. The family found themselves in the centre of a Court of Protection hearing regarding application of a Lasting Power of Attorney (Health and Welfare) and Deprivation of Liberty; we are using a pseudonym to comply with the Transparency Order associated with the case.
“Mary’s” sister “Anna” is campaigning for greater public awareness about the intersection between Lasting Power of Attorney and Deprivation of Liberty.
Find out more about my Bespoke Consultancy
If you’d like to find out more about my work contact me.
What one thing will you do?
It would be great to share what resonated with you from this episode, what is the one thing you will do differently? Head to Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn to continue these important conversations.
Thanks to all my guests for working with me to share their knowledge, experience and stories about Advance Care Planning. I hope you enjoyed listening and have insights to take away; I love hearing your reflections on the series and look forward to reviews on Spotify where you can also subscribe to the series.
Important Conversations about Important Conversations.