#107 Assisted Dying, Advance Care Planning
and the choices we have now
This episode expands on a discussion I had with Nick Ferrari from LBC around assisted dying, specifically in response to Wes Streeting statement that he is “not sure that as a country we have the right end-of-life care available to enable a real choice on assisted dying.”
It’s my first solo episode and I explore the reality of end-of life-care provision, debunk some of the emotive discussion around assisted dying and share the choices we all have now.
Key messages
Around 90% of us want to have a say in decisions at end of life but only 9% of us have a Lasting Power of Attorney and 5% have an Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment
A terminal diagnosis is a driver to poverty, being less comfortable financially will impact the symptoms you have at the end of life
The current provision of palliative care is inconsistent
Advance Decisions to Refuse Treatment and Lasting Power of Attorney are legal tools we can use now as part of proactive choice
We can legally now stop artificially feeding people and indeed not start the treatment
There are three ways to make a lasting Power of Attorney, DIY, through a LPA Consultant or a solicitor
An Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment must follow a set framework or need formal registration
You can her the interview in full at LBC catch up with Nick Ferrari (on 24.10.2024 at 02:39:49 - 02:46:03)
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What one thing will you do?
It would be great to share what resonated with you from this episode, what is the one thing you will do differently? Head to Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn to continue these important conversations.
Thanks to all my guests for working with me to share their knowledge, experience and stories about Advance Care Planning. I hope you enjoyed listening and have insights to take away; I love hearing your reflections on the series and look forward to reviews on Spotify where you can also subscribe to the series.
Important Conversations about Important Conversations.