What resource can I find for Advance Care Planning on the Speak For Me website?
“Where can I find resource to support Advance Care Planning?” is a question I hear often; this blog sets out what you can find on the Speak For Me website and invites you to let me know what other resource would be valuable.
I’ll begin by outlining, briefly, what Advance Care Planning is then walk through the different resource areas available. I’ll also share why I create the content. It’s been a useful exercise for me as the website builds bit by bit and writing this blog has been a great reflection on what has been created. After each section there is an action, a suggestion or two that will help you grow your Advance Care Planning understanding. The blog closes with an invitation for you to let me know any Advance Care Planning topics or resource you would like to see added.
What is Advance Care Planning?
That’s a big question to start and I’ll answer in the simplest way I can – Advance Care Planning is thinking about what matters most to you and creating appropriate planning to document this. There isn’t one “Advance Care Plan” I can direct you to that is used nationally, that is what I feel it is so important to understand the components of Advance Care Planning; if you know the building bricks of Advance care Planning you can use what is appropriate for you – this is equally relevant for healthcare professionals and members of the public alike.
The building bricks of Advance Care Planning are:
· What Matters most to You
· What You Do Want
· What You Don’t Want
· Who Would Speak for You
· Legacy
· End of Life care
I have created the infographic called Getting Your House in Order as a useful visual tool to bring together these building blocks. The infographic translates a concept of Advance Care Planning into actions and can be used at any stage of life or illness.
Why do I create Advance Care Planning content?
I am on a mission to distil Advance Care Planning from principles to easily understood elements, to demystify the process if you will. I do this because, over the 30 years or so I have worked in palliative and end of life care I see the same challenges in different areas – people just not knowing how to “do” Advance care Planning and leaving it too late.
The work I do has three aims and these are to:
· Improve professional understanding of Advance Care Planning
· Raise Public awareness of Advance Care Planning
· Normalise Advance Care Planning and see it as part of everyday life planning
Rather than describe a list of tasks to do Advance Care Planning, I create and share content to describe what Advance care Planning is: from this starting place actions become clearer. I’ll move now to describe the content you can find on the Speak For Me website.
What resource can I find on the Speak For Me website?
Lasting Power of Attorney
There is a list of LPA FAQs on the website, you can download a free info sheet about Lasting Power of Attorney and, if you know someone who would prefer a hard copy of a guide, then contact me and I’ll post a copy.
Action: Check out the FAQ section, use it to start a conversation with a person about making a Lasting Power of Attorney
You’ll find an absolute wealth of information about all elements of Advance Care Planning in the resource podcast section. At the time of writing there are 81 episodes available and each one talks about one part of the jigsaw that makes Advance Care Planning. The strength of the podcast lies in the incredible guests I am lucky enough to interview from world leaders to everyday people with powerful messages to share.
To keep up to date, you can subscribe to Conversations About Advance Care Planning each through all the usual podcast platforms including Spotify Apple and Amazon
Action: subscribe to Conversations About Advance Care Planning and don’t forget to leave feedback
In the resource section you’ll also find the blogs and answers to more questions; some fall under the category of FAQs and some are in response to unique questions I am asked, for example “can I use my LPA in Japan”. The most popular blogs remain ones about accessing a Lasting Power of Attorney digitally and you can also find blogs I have written as part of the Open Justice Court of Protection Project . The blogs are a super way of learning and sharing information in an accessible way - Can a family create an Advance Decision to Refuse Treatment for someone who has lost capacity? is a great example of a blog written in response to a question I received. I also theme blogs, such as the group of three about stopping acting as an attorney.
Lasting Power of Attorney: Can I stop being an attorney?
Can I remove an attorney from a Lasting Power of Attorney?
When an attorneyship might end due to factors outside the control of either donor or attorney
Action: Check out the blog section and, if you see something missing that you would like answered, contact me
Advance Care Planning
The section on Advance Care Planning is growing and includes information about the Advance Care Planning service I offer. Waiting in the wings for release is a page created to summarise Advance Care Planning, what it is and how to do it – I am currently seeking sponsorship to make this page live – let me know if you are a company that could provide this!
You can also access the Getting Your House in Order infographic which is a great way of translating the framework of Advance Care Planning into actions.
©ClareFuller 2023
Action: Let me know if you can offer sponsorship to produce the Advance Care Planning page
I am mid-way through delivering over a year of monthly on-line free teaching sessions. Most recently I presented a session on Lasting Power of Attorney and, coming up in March is Advance Care Planning: normalising planning ahead for everyone The sessions really are a joy to deliver with a great mix of return and new faces and you can access all through the events page. I’ve committed to the free sessions until August when I will take stock and see if I can continue.
Action: check out the events page and share with friends and colleagues
I have a selection of videos created to help you learn more about Lasting Power of Attorney. These short summaries answer commonly asked questions and include how to start Important Conversations
Action: Check out the videos resource
The website is something I am tremendously proud of and throughout it you will find information and resource about Lasting Power of Attorney and Advance Care Planning. Much of it shares the learning and discoveries I make and shows the iterative, ongoing process that is Advance Care Planning. Check out the resources and let me know what you would like added or if you have a question you would like answered – you can contact me or DM me via Twitter (X) at @ClareFuller17
As ever a shout out – the resource is created almost entirely through self-funding and Sponsorship Opportunities are available to support the ongoing work. You can also Buy me a coffee and thank you for the generous contributions already given.
Find out how I can support you in making a personalised Advance Care Plan or a Lasting Power of Attorney
If the blog has helped you or provided information and you would like to support my ongoing work, head to Buy me a coffee – thank you!